after I read the code of mali-400/450 linux kernel driver r3p2-01rel4, I have a doubt that if it is really able to support DRM.
(because of the lack of Mali device, I failed to give a try)
Take an example from drm_sman_mm, Mali's drm_sman_mm callbacks almost do nothing.
so, I wonder how these code provides support for drm.
one extra question, if anyone ever happens to read the code, in Mali's drm_sman_mm related macros
#define VIDEO_TYPE 0
#define MEM_TYPE 1
Does the first represents discrete VRAM, the latter shared system memory?
Best Regards,
Hi firefly,
As there's been no activity on this post for a couple of months I'm going to mark the question as assumed answered. Let us know if you want to open it back up.