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Questions About Mali Job Slot and Address Space

Hello there,

    I'am developing a job schedule policy for Mali T628. But I am confused about Jos Slot and Address Space:

1. What does Job Slot mean? What is the relationship between job slot and shader core?

     Mali T628 has 8 shader core. But I get the amount of  job slot is 3 ( by printk gpu_props->num_job_slots).

2. What does Address Space mean?


    Does it mean a space in memory to store process's context during context swicth?

     Is context switch by hardware?

3. What the GPU do during soft and hard stop a job?

Thank you!

  • 2. What does Address Space mean?


    A "process" from the GPU's point of view - i.e. a unique address space with a set of MMU tables. Not necessarily a 1:1 mapping to a CPU process.

    3. What the GPU do during soft and hard stop a job?

    Soft-stop = suspend a GPU task prior to context switch.

    Hard-stop = kill a badly behaved GPU process.

  • 2. What does Address Space mean?


    A "process" from the GPU's point of view - i.e. a unique address space with a set of MMU tables. Not necessarily a 1:1 mapping to a CPU process.

    3. What the GPU do during soft and hard stop a job?

    Soft-stop = suspend a GPU task prior to context switch.

    Hard-stop = kill a badly behaved GPU process.
