Expectation is that the VBO should consume Less Power than the Normal Rendering without VBO's .
As Copying the Data onto the GPU is not done Every Frame of Rendering.
1) Created Interleaved Data so that the VVCCNN(x1,y1,z1,,x2,y2,z3,xc1,yc1,xc2,yc2,xn1,yn1,zn1,..) the power consumed same as the data Copied EveryFrame.
2) Create Interleaved Data VCNVCN(x1,y1,z1,xc1,yc1,xn1,yn1,zn1,,x2,y2,z3,xc2,yc2,) Power consumed is more than both VVCCNN & copying frame data every frame.
The Only thing looks is that am not copying the data into 4 byte data, Is there any real impact on power by using VBO ?
What is the best Approach to get the less power and maximum performance .
Thanks in Advance
subrhmanyam wrote: the GPU bus would be left alone as the copy data is a costly operation.
subrhmanyam wrote:
the GPU bus would be left alone as the copy data is a costly operation.
A couple of points:
I'm sure you're aware of this, but wanted to clarify in case anyone reading this read it the wrong way.
EDIT: Reworded for clarity