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How to use Mali to convert YUV to RGB32

Note: This was originally posted on 17th November 2012 at

[font=文泉驿正黑][size=2][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Hi all,

    In FirefoxOS, there is a Cubevid application. It use vp8 software codec and the performance is not well.

    We use DS5 to find the hot spot, YUV convert to RGB32. You can see [size=2]FastConvertYUVToRGB32Row_C@[/size][size=2]yuv_row_c[/size][size=2].cpp[/size][size=2]  in attachment[/size] .

    Can you help me to use GPU(Mali300) to convert YUV to RGB?

    Thanks for your help!

    You can get FFOS code as below.

    git clone git://
