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Where can I find code of mali200 driver for Android

Note: This was originally posted on 31st July 2010 at

  • Note: This was originally posted on 22nd October 2010 at

    i'm sorry - there appears to be a post missing from this discussion, in which it was pointed out that the situation with the mali DDK, being proprietary, leaves OEMs and ODMs in the situation where they are required to violate the GPL in order to release linux-based OSes and linux-based applications such as Webkit with WebGL support, Compiz Fusion, Blender, 3D games such as FlightGear and so on.

    i don't believe it to be in ARM's interests to be censoring such questions and placing their own customers at risk from GPL violations lawsuits.

    i trust that ARM is not going to brush this under the carpet, and is not going to continue censorship or act irresponsibly.

    i trust that ARM will get some answers to these issues raised, very very quickly.

    i will give you two days to indicate that you understand the seriousness of this situation and to get satisfactory answers.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 22nd October 2010 at

    i'm sorry - there appears to be a post missing from this discussion, in which it was pointed out that the situation with the mali DDK, being proprietary, leaves OEMs and ODMs in the situation where they are required to violate the GPL in order to release linux-based OSes and linux-based applications such as Webkit with WebGL support, Compiz Fusion, Blender, 3D games such as FlightGear and so on.

    i don't believe it to be in ARM's interests to be censoring such questions and placing their own customers at risk from GPL violations lawsuits.

    i trust that ARM is not going to brush this under the carpet, and is not going to continue censorship or act irresponsibly.

    i trust that ARM will get some answers to these issues raised, very very quickly.

    i will give you two days to indicate that you understand the seriousness of this situation and to get satisfactory answers.
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