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does mali t720 support for opencl, why allwinner h6 doesn't provide opencl driver?

I want to use opencl on allwinner h6,but the driver its provided doesn't support for opencl, what I need to do to getting it to be supportted

  • Hi Yonggang, 

    The hardware can support it, but it is up to each device manufacturer whether their board support package for the chipset enables it. Many Mali devices choose to ship only with the graphics APIs enabled, in particular on Android devices where OpenCL is not exposed in the NDK.

    The only route to get support is via the original chipset manufacturer; we cannot supply drivers directly.

    Kind regards, 

  • Hi Yonggang, 

    The hardware can support it, but it is up to each device manufacturer whether their board support package for the chipset enables it. Many Mali devices choose to ship only with the graphics APIs enabled, in particular on Android devices where OpenCL is not exposed in the NDK.

    The only route to get support is via the original chipset manufacturer; we cannot supply drivers directly.

    Kind regards, 

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