volatile int typecast return value. Could this make problem?

Hello experts, I'm a beginner of embedded system development.

I have question.about difference of two code.

at first, suppose there is function like

   int SomeFunction(void) {


       return (some integer);


And using this function return value like these

  • int retval;

       retval = SomeFunction();

       if (retval == {some Variable})  {

         . . .


  • if ( {some Variable} == (volatile int) SomeFunction()) {




former one doesn't make any problem, but when i used like latter one.. some times, retval is not correct and some strange value remains on r0 register...;

I don't know what is problem on latter one exactly...;

Could explain what is the problem of these?

Thank you very much for reading this..... though it is written by pool english...

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