Sharing about the famous LCP1114FN28


I'm making test some on the famous LPC1114FN28 is there somebody who have some experience about it ?
Please, thank for sharing here


Here is the beast


And the pinout informations

  • I have used it in a few projects (but not with the mbed board. I've ordered that but it hasn't arrived yet.), and I like it

    I don't see any other ARM microcontrollers in DIP package (easy to work with on breadboards, and easy to solder).

    • The peripherals are fairly easy to use.
    • Quite a lot of examples on the web.
    • The mbed board looks interesting as a flash programming tool (I haven't try this yet. )

    A few things not perfect:

    • For begineers, be careful that some pins are open drains that cannot drive "output" current.
    • Due to package type you can't have too many I/O pins for control applications.
    • Using deepsleep with periodic timer wake up is tricky. Normal sleep mode is easy to use.

    It would be nice to see more DIP package devices which make life easier for students and hobbyists, but I do understand that DIP packages is actually more expensive to make.



  • I have used it in a few projects (but not with the mbed board. I've ordered that but it hasn't arrived yet.), and I like it

    I don't see any other ARM microcontrollers in DIP package (easy to work with on breadboards, and easy to solder).

    • The peripherals are fairly easy to use.
    • Quite a lot of examples on the web.
    • The mbed board looks interesting as a flash programming tool (I haven't try this yet. )

    A few things not perfect:

    • For begineers, be careful that some pins are open drains that cannot drive "output" current.
    • Due to package type you can't have too many I/O pins for control applications.
    • Using deepsleep with periodic timer wake up is tricky. Normal sleep mode is easy to use.

    It would be nice to see more DIP package devices which make life easier for students and hobbyists, but I do understand that DIP packages is actually more expensive to make.


