Hi guys.
I have the following problem. In my code I have to assign a structure pointer to uint8_t pointer so I can write into the structure byte by byte. Both are pointers that point to data of different types. Why I cant assign them each other. I am using IAR embedded workbench free size limited version. I tried with other compilers and there was no such problem.
Here is a screen shot of the scenario:
Please help.
Hi rikotech,
you should make type cast of the pDate.
pstr = (unit8_t *)pDate;
would be OK.
Best regards,
Yasuhiko Koumoto.
As Yaushikokoumoto pointed, you have to typecast the pDate.
Some compilers will have default typecast rules defined and it automatically assigns but here you have to typecast it.
Thank you Mr. Koumoto - it works now