I am new to ARM. Right I am trying to get up to speed with the SAM7S examples pack "at91sam7s-ek" available from the Microchip website.
When I load any project into Eclipse I get the following error After building project.
make: *** [obj/flash_board_cstartup.o] Error 2
I have checked that paths are correct and that the files are where they are supposed to be.
Is there anyone that can help me to get this running or can anyone recommend a better set of examples that actually work for the SAM7S devices.
> a case problem ...
no, the build of Makefile projects should not be affected by the Eclipse annoyance with the assembly file extension case (.S accepted, .s ignored).
As far as I've understood, .S is for pre-processed files, .s is normal assembly files without pre-processor (eg. output from the C-compiler), so both should be accepted, just built slightly differently.
this is the theory. the practice is slightly different
the rule you mentioned is indeed used by gcc. for various reasons, Eclipse does not distinguish case, and the build plug-ins, at least the GNU ARM Eclipse build plug-in, processes assembly files as pre-processed assembly files.
the bad news is that Eclipse, although unable to distinguish case, does not match .s files at all, so, in order to be included in a managed build, all assembly files should have the .S extension.
Thank you for bringing some light on this; even though it's terrible that it's not handled as expected, it's still very helpful.
Perhaps Eclipse is doing this, because it expects that .s files are output files from the C-compiler, and thus it does not want to include them.
-I'm only guessing.