I am working on Cortex-M4 over serial wire debug protocol, i am able to read IDCODE(0x2ba01477) which is correct as per arm cortex m4 technical reference manual, and i am writing 0x50000000 to CTRLSTAT register to enable CSYSPWRUPREQ and CDBGPWRREQ which is also success without any ACK error,but the thing is when i am trying to read the CTRLSTAT register i got 0xffffffff . I don't understand what might be the problem,Please suggest me what would be the problem??
Thanks & Regards
Try writing 0x00000200 first, then 0x00000201.
For instance:
read 0x40023c0c (FLASH_SR)
read 0x40023c10 (FLASH_CR)
0x40023c10 = 0x00000200;
0x40023c10 = 0x00000201;
-But before that, I think it would be a good idea to read FLASH_OPTCR (0x40023c14) and check that it allows you to write to the Flash-memory.
This could also be a power issue. Make sure VOS in PWR_CR is set to Scale1 mode. (there's also a VOS_RDY bit you'll have to wait for)
thank you sir,
i tried your above approach i got FLASH_OPTCR = 0x0FFFAAED , and PWR_CR = 0x0000C000. is there any wrong with these values??
Thanks & Regards,
FLASH_OPTCR looks good to me; excellent!
I think your PWR_CR looks good too. Mine is also 0x0000c000.
I think I'll have to call for jyiu's help now, because I've run out of clues what can be wrong.
Although we're dealing with a problem specific to the STM32F407 at the moment, I just came across this document from ARM about the Debug Interface Architecture:
-You can download it for free; you just need to register first.
err....sorry.... I don't think I can help in this STM32F4 specific question.
My suggestion is to post this on STM32 forum and see if anyone there can help.
Well, it was worth the try, thank you for taking the time to look at it, Joseph.
harshan_behra -This is a very special case, only very few people have been working with it, so there might not be many people who can answer.
That means you're in pioneer-land, which is one of the most interesting places to be, but also one of the most difficult places to be at the same time.
If / when you find the answer, please let us know what caused the problem.
I just looked in the sources for the stlink tool. This might bring you to the solution.
In the file "stlink-common.c", line 1593 ...
After the sequence you mentioned, it writes a small piece of code into the SRAM and executes it.
This piece of code copies a data block from the address that register r0 points to, to the address that register r1 points to, the length of the data block is r2 bytes.
So this small piece of code can be used for both reading flash memory and writing flash memory.
In the same file, line 1765, you'll find the routine (run_flash_loader) that sets the parameters and runs the piece of code in SRAM.
The routine, which sets the value of a core register is also interesting, it's called stlink_write_reg, and is actually located in stlink-usb.c as _stlink_usb_write_reg at line 680.
Thank you sir,
I found the bug and fixed it, the bug was i have to check each time whether BSY bit in FLASH_SR was set or not that makes the consistency. Thank you for your valuable suggestions and support
Excellent news. Thank you for letting us know and also that you kept going when it wasn't easy.
I am very convinced that this will be valuable help for anyone who implements the SWD protocol in their own applications.
hi sir,
may i know where could i found detailed explanation about watch points and break points ?? in reference manual he given a little bit but i need in programmer view where could i get such information??
Thanks & Regards.
Unfortunately I'm not an expert in this area, so I don't know much about breakpoints and watchpoints.
I went to the ARM Information Center and searched for 'watchpoint', as this is not technology specific to the STM device, but it's ARM technology.
Scrolling down, I find the results for ARM Cortex-M4 Processor Technical Reference Manual, I click it, and I click the DWT Programmers Model link in there.
This shows addresses of hardware registers.
If you look at CWT_CTRL, it says "See [a]", which refers to a note giving you some more information: There are (up to) four comparators for watchpoints and triggers.
In RM0090, sectino 38.13, you'll find some information about what's implemented in your device, combining this with the information found in the Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual should get you a bit further.
Please try ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual. You need to register on ARM web site to download this document.
(ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual)
Section C 1.8 for DWT (watchpoint), C 1.11 for FPB (breakpoint) and C 1.6 for debug registers in the processor for halting control.