ARM7TDMI or Cortex-M3 board - which should I consider?

If I have two ARM7TDMI core board and Cortex M3 core board, and I need to choose one of them to use.

What should I consider the different between them and why?

  • Hi,

    I think there are two considerations, here.

    The first is whether you need a particular set of peripherals and one of the boards has these and the other doesn't.

    The second is that ARM7TDMI is very popular but now fairly old technology. The core was first launched in about 1995, so is now 20 years old. We, at ARM, don't sell any more new ARM7TDMI licences so the flow of parts based on it will eventually dry up and support for it will inevitably decline. The Cortex-M3, on the other hand, is a much more modern processor. In terms of processing power, it has much greater capability than ARM7TDMI and it is much more power-efficient. The number of devices on the market using the Cortex-M3 processor is growing all the time and there is a lot of third-party support for it.

    To put it simply, the ARM7TDMI is slowly going away; the Cortex-M3 is still growing!

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    I think there are two considerations, here.

    The first is whether you need a particular set of peripherals and one of the boards has these and the other doesn't.

    The second is that ARM7TDMI is very popular but now fairly old technology. The core was first launched in about 1995, so is now 20 years old. We, at ARM, don't sell any more new ARM7TDMI licences so the flow of parts based on it will eventually dry up and support for it will inevitably decline. The Cortex-M3, on the other hand, is a much more modern processor. In terms of processing power, it has much greater capability than ARM7TDMI and it is much more power-efficient. The number of devices on the market using the Cortex-M3 processor is growing all the time and there is a lot of third-party support for it.

    To put it simply, the ARM7TDMI is slowly going away; the Cortex-M3 is still growing!

    Hope this helps.

