Hello all,
I'm using a STM32F769 controller with Cortex M7 and FreeRTOS 10.2.0 as OS.
And I will do an SystemReset to restart my system with other Boot settings.
Now, i will keep sure that all my data will not corrupted while the systemReset().
Of that reason, I take SCB_DisableDCache();
The problem that, the os runs in a HardFault, StackoverFlow etc. by calling SCB_DisableDCache().
I think, the reason is that an Interrupt was interrupting SCB_DisableDCache(); and produce the errors.
My question:
How I use SCB_DisableDCache() correctly?
Should I block|stop anything befor entering the function?
My quick and dirty solution is following:
If anyone has a better solution, please let me know. Thanks.
I think your capacitor is very large, so during the reboot, you still have the voltage and your RAM is valid. You need to increase Reset time