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Why GNU ARM Toolchain objcopy didn't redefine and strip symbols, what a possible workaround?

I have Android shared library with armeabi-v7 architecture, and I need to rename some functions inside this.

Firstly, I tried ARM toolchain v4.9 of Android NDK.

I tried:

objcopy --redefine-sym _Z3foo1v=_Z3foo2v

It throws no errors, but it keeps new library identically to old, even CRC hashes are equals.

Next, I also tried all another ARM toolchains of Android NDK: ARM v4.8 toolchain, x86 toolchain, and same problem.

Finally, I downloaded official GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain - - and still have same problem: now CRC is changing, but symbol still have old name.

Why this feature works with "essential" GNU toolchain for Linux, but didn't implemented in ARM toolchain?

How to work-around this?