Hi guys. I'm almost new to ARM and I'm working with some kind of lpc1768 eval board and uvision keil 5. I've run gpio, uart and pwm but i have problem with USB.
I want to put some data in a USB Mass Storage Flash in .txt file (such as LED1 = on, LED2 = off , etc) and set my board with these datas. after that make a .txt log file from board status and save it in USB flash. I have read lpc1768 user manual USB topics (device,host,otg) but I didn't understand any thing!
could you please help me with these thing?
Thank you for your reply.
I'm working on lpc1768 for about a month. I've worked on some AVRs before such as attiny24,13, atmega8,16,32
I'm not an experienced C/C++ programmer but I can handle my projects.
I'v tested NXP's examples, I'v read UserManual, Compaq Open Host Controller Interface Specification for USB document and general review on USB specs and its protocol