I followed the instructions at https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/about/docs/sgm775/user-guide.rst
In addition to the two toolchains listed in that page I had to download gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3-20160926-linux.tar.bz2 after I got an error during building. After downloading it the build completed successfully.
When I tried running it I got the following output
Continue with <model_type> as sgm775 !!! Continue with <display> as dp !!! Continue with <boot_loader_type> as uboot !!! Continue with <BL1_IMAGE> as tf-bl1.bin !!! Continue with <FIP_IMAGE> as fip-uboot.bin !!! Continue with <network_enabled> as false !!! Continue with <emulator_run> as false !!! terminal_s0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000terminal_s1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5002terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5003TracePluginInstancesManager::AddInterface(): interface 'SystemTraceInterface1' not found (in component mtiRegistry)Error: REMOTE_CONNECTION.CADIServer: error: cannot GetTargetInfosRegisterSimulation() call of plugin instance "REMOTE_CONNECTION.CADIServer" returned error CADI_STATUS_GeneralError.Error in plugin detected, aborting.SimulationEngine::simExecPort_stopAndFatalError(Failed to register all plugins);Error: General error:Kits3_SGM_775.css.gpu.gpu : GRM licence checkout failed!Fatal Error: Call of CADISimulationFactory::Instantiate(..) did not return a CADISimulation.Simulation is terminating. Reason: Simulation requested shutdown
Continue with <model_type> as sgm775 !!!
Continue with <display> as dp !!!
Continue with <boot_loader_type> as uboot !!!
Continue with <BL1_IMAGE> as tf-bl1.bin !!!
Continue with <FIP_IMAGE> as fip-uboot.bin !!!
Continue with <network_enabled> as false !!!
Continue with <emulator_run> as false !!!
terminal_s0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_s1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
TracePluginInstancesManager::AddInterface(): interface 'SystemTraceInterface1' not found (in component mtiRegistry)
Error: REMOTE_CONNECTION.CADIServer: error: cannot GetTargetInfos
RegisterSimulation() call of plugin instance "REMOTE_CONNECTION.CADIServer" returned error CADI_STATUS_GeneralError.
Error in plugin detected, aborting.
SimulationEngine::simExecPort_stopAndFatalError(Failed to register all plugins);
Error: General error:
Kits3_SGM_775.css.gpu.gpu : GRM licence checkout failed!
Fatal Error: Call of CADISimulationFactory::Instantiate(..) did not return a CADISimulation.
Simulation is terminating. Reason: Simulation requested shutdown
Can someone please tell me what additional steps I need to take to make it run ?
have you requested, and installed a license to run the model? please set environment variable FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3, and rerun the model. Then let me know (a) the command line that you used to launch the model, and (b) the output that you now see on the terminal.
My bad ! Didn't realize it needed a license. I don't have one.
Hi, DM me at daniel.owens@arm.com and I'll take care of that.