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_WANT_REENT_SMALL not defined for Newlib in Arm GNU Toolchain 11.2

It appears that Newlib in the Arm GNU Toolchain Version 11.2-2022.02 is not configured with --enable-newlib-reent-small.  I installed gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi and built one of my embedded applications.  The linker failed due to a RAM overflow.  I figured out that _WANT_REENT_SMALL in newlib.h is not defined.  Moreover, Newlib in this toolchain is configured quite differently than the Newlib in the previous toolchain.

Are there plans to have a GNU Toolchain 11.2 with Newlib built with --enable-newlib-reent-small?

  • Hi Dana,

    I've done digging in our build scripts and as far as I can tell we've never had `--enable-newlib-reent-small` enabled for base Newlib, but we have always had it enabled for Newlib-Nano, which is also affected by the issue Aaron mentioned below and we are working on a fix for. When that is fixed, you could potentially use Newlib-Nano? In the meantime, I'll raise a query internally about enabling for base Newlib as well (and if there's any compelling reason why we don't have it enabled already)

    You are right the differences between the 11.2 Newlib and the previous releases. I have identified:

    ** --enable-newlib-retargetable-locking
    ** --enable-newlib-mb
    ** --enable-newlib-register-fini

    And we are working on reverting these to what they were for the previous GNU-RM releases. If you come across anything further, do let us know!
  • Hi Dana,

    I've done digging in our build scripts and as far as I can tell we've never had `--enable-newlib-reent-small` enabled for base Newlib, but we have always had it enabled for Newlib-Nano, which is also affected by the issue Aaron mentioned below and we are working on a fix for. When that is fixed, you could potentially use Newlib-Nano? In the meantime, I'll raise a query internally about enabling for base Newlib as well (and if there's any compelling reason why we don't have it enabled already)

    You are right the differences between the 11.2 Newlib and the previous releases. I have identified:

    ** --enable-newlib-retargetable-locking
    ** --enable-newlib-mb
    ** --enable-newlib-register-fini

    And we are working on reverting these to what they were for the previous GNU-RM releases. If you come across anything further, do let us know!
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