Hello support team and dear fellow engineers,
Brief: There exists an SDK based on the toolchain v5.06, the target is to migrate the sdk to toolchain v6.15. I am only interested in keil armcc toolchain migration to armclang toolchain at this moment.
I have already looked around the community and the migration application note. Unfortunately, I could not find an answer for the following questions.
Would you let me know how to fix the following issues:
1. --bss_threshold=0 is not supported in armclang compiler v6.15, what is the equivalent command should be used in a project?
2. --feedback=".\unused_SoC.txt" is not supported in armclang compiler v6.15, what is the equivalent command should be used in a project?
3. Scatter file:
Usecase: How to include directory path in v6.15 in a scatterfile?
#! armcc -E -I .\,.\..,.\..\sdk\HAL_common_config,.\..\..\..\sdk\HAL_partnum_config\ --cpu Cortex-M0+
#! armclang -E <how to include directory path? Write down the compatible command of v5.06 as shared above> --target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-m0plus
I look forward for your response, many thanks.
Hi Alam
I have moved your question to the GNU Toolchain forum.
Oli from the Community team
Hi Jerome D, Oliver B
Nice to e-meet you, I have asked in the community forum does not relate to GNU tool-chain.
Here are some technical details:
IDE-Version:µVision V5.33.0.0Copyright (C) 2020 ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.REMOVED Private licensing textTool Version Numbers:Toolchain: MDK Essential 5.33 (Single): 1 user(s) Version: Path: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\BinC Compiler: ArmClang.exe V6.15Assembler: Armasm.exe V6.15Linker/Locator: ArmLink.exe V6.15Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V6.15Hex Converter: FromElf.exe V6.15CPU DLL: SARMCM3.DLL V5.33.0.0Dialog DLL: TARMCM1.DLL V1.14.3.0Target DLL: Segger\JL2CM3.dll V2.99.38.0Dialog DLL: TARMCM1.DLL V1.14.3.0
I hope these information will help to re-categorize the question, if not placed yet.