I have a Nucleo-32 STM 432, ARM Cortex M4 and my teacher asked us for a program in which the pin turns on and off simulating a "distress signal" (SOS) in Morse code (... _ _ _...). This is my program, but I don't know how to configure it so that my led blinks in this way. I hope you can help me.
DELAY_INTERVAL EQU 0x124F80;**************************
;STM32L43xxx reference manual RM0394, p.64RCC_AHB2ENR EQU 0x4002104C ;Clock control for AHB2 p.214-215
;GPIO-B control registersGPIOB_MODER EQU 0x48000400 ;set GPIO pin mode as Input/Output/AnalogGPIOB_OTYPER EQU 0x48000404 ;Set GPIO pin type as push-pull or open drainGPIOB_OSPEEDR EQU 0x48000408 ;Set GPIO pin switching speedGPIOB_PUPDR EQU 0x4800040C ;Set GPIO pin pull-up/pull-downGPIOB_ODR EQU 0x48000414 ;GPIO pin output data;***************************
AREA MyCodigo, CODE, READONLY ENTRY ; Mark first instruction to execute EXPORT __main __main ; Enable GPIO clock LDR R1, =RCC_AHB2ENR ;Pseudo-load address in R1 LDR R0, [R1] ;Copy contents at address in R1 to R0 ORR R0, #0x00000002 ;Bitwise OR entire word in R0, result in R0 STR R0, [R1] ;Store R0 contents to address in R1
; Set mode as output p.263 LDR R1, =GPIOB_MODER ;Two bits per pin so bits 0 to 3 control pins 0 to 3 LDR R0, [R1] ORR R0, #0x00000055 ;Mode bits set to '01' makes the pin mode as output AND R0, #0xFFFFFF55 ;OR and AND both operations for 2 bits STR R0, [R1]
; Set type as push-pull (Default) LDR R1, =GPIOB_OTYPER ;Type bit '0' configures pin for push-pull LDR R0, [R1] AND R0, #0xFFFFFFF0 STR R0, [R1] ; Set Speed slow LDR R1, =GPIOB_OSPEEDR ;Two bits per pin so bits 0 to 3 control pins 0 to 3 LDR R0, [R1] AND R0, #0xFFFFFF10 ;Speed bits set to '00' configures pin for slow speed STR R0, [R1] ; Set pull-up LDR R1, =GPIOB_PUPDR ;Two bits per pin so bits 0 to 3 control pins 0 to 3 LDR R0, [R1] AND R0, #0xFFFFFF10 ;Clear bits to disable pullup/pulldown STR R0, [R1];***************************turnON ; Set output high LDR R1, =GPIOB_ODR LDR R0, [R1] ORR R0, #0x0000000F STR R0, [R1] BL delay ; Call subroutine delay turnOFF ; Set output low LDR R1, =GPIOB_ODR LDR R0, [R1] AND R0, #0xFFFFFFF0 STR R0, [R1] BL delay ; Call subroutine delay ; loop B turnON
; Subrutina delaydelay LDR R2,=DELAY_INTERVALret CBZ R2, delayDone SUBS R2, R2, #1 B retdelayDone MOV pc,lr ; Return END
IngArless said:teacher asked us
Then your teacher clearly thinks that you should be able to do this - if not, you should be talking to your teacher!
IngArless said:I don't know how to configure it so that my led blinks in this way
So what does the program actually do?
Before doing the SOS pattern, have you done a basic blinky which just toggles the led on & off continuously?
What debugging have you done to find the problem(s) with your code?