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Memory allocation for Cortex-M4

I know Cortex-M4 doesn't support virtual memory. Do you always have to load VA from some LA in flash? For instance you allocate empty value memory at compile time.

  • This is a single thread application. I compiled an empty memory array in some sram section. I review my memory mapping and see that this section is loaded from empty flash region? I wonder why it need his load address from flash?

    This is the array in sram:

    static U32 extMem[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4] __attribute__((section(".ExtRAMData")));

  • This is a single thread application. I compiled an empty memory array in some sram section. I review my memory mapping and see that this section is loaded from empty flash region? I wonder why it need his load address from flash?

    This is the array in sram:

    static U32 extMem[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4] __attribute__((section(".ExtRAMData")));
