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在malit760 上调用openCL的clEnqueueMapBuffer,出现CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST的错误


我在编写openCL时调用clEnqueueMapBuffer,在其中blocking_map 是CL_TRUE,event_wait_list以及num_events_in_wait_list 都是NULL。却出现了CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST的错误,我查了一下引起该错误的原因是:

CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST if the map operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in event_wait_list is a negative integer value.

但我的event_wait_list是NULL,根本没有值。该问题主要出现在mali-t760 上,而adreno 以及桌面GPU都没有出现类似的问题。不知是不是驱动bug?




  • Hi Phenix,

    I haven't encounter such kind of error before, I write a simple test, and run it on T760 and T604, both platforms cannot reproduce your problem. Would you please tell me how you create the buffer, and how you call clEnqueueMapBuffer, that would help me to locate the problem. Also, please tell me which driver version you are using. Thanks.

    For clEnqueueMapBuffer(), please change the value of num_events_in_wait_list to 0, as the parameter type is cl_int, otherwise you'll get a warning.




  • Hi Phenix,

    I haven't encounter such kind of error before, I write a simple test, and run it on T760 and T604, both platforms cannot reproduce your problem. Would you please tell me how you create the buffer, and how you call clEnqueueMapBuffer, that would help me to locate the problem. Also, please tell me which driver version you are using. Thanks.

    For clEnqueueMapBuffer(), please change the value of num_events_in_wait_list to 0, as the parameter type is cl_int, otherwise you'll get a warning.


