I was linked from Intel (Altera) webpage to get DS-5 Community Edition activation code for Intel SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite from:
In step 2, as copied from the page:
Choose "Add License...", and enter your Activation Code displayed on this page to obtain a license.
I don't see where the code is throughout the page, could you point me where is it displayed?
I have the same problem too, edge, chrome, internet explorer and no activation code :(
The last time I got this to work was only when (A) I was logged in (B) I used a chrome browser on my mobile phone.
However I tried that combination again today (to check for you) - but no code came up.
I think perhaps it is not broken but designed deliberately this way. In which case maybe you should email ARM and get it via email from them directly?
Thanks, for cheeking up for me. I already made a support ticket asking help for the activation.--------I received a email from support saying that they fixed webpage. it appears now on it.