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How can I R/W general registers via CSAT tool?

Hi experts,

     I want to read/write Cortex-A53 core0 general registers (such as x0, x1, ...) via CSAT tool of DS5.

     I use the following command lines via csat tool, but I don't know what's the command line can read/write general registers.

     D:\Program Files\DS-5 v5.26.2\bin>csat.exe
     # CSAT - CoreSight Access Tool v2.6.3 #
     # #
    # [with Trace Commands v] #
    # #
    # Copyright 2007-2013 ARM Limited #

    CoreSight Component Data file read successfully.

    %>con USB

    Attempting to connect to ...USB
    Connected to:DSTREAM
    Base H/W: V2 Rev C-00
    TurboTAP Rev: 0.15
    DSTREAM Probe V1 Rev B-00
    Firmware: 4.31.0, Build 29
    %>chain dev=auto
    %>dvo 0
    Open connection to device ID : 0x4BA00477, version 0x00000006
    Msg returned with RVMOpenConn: ARM-DP Template using Rv-Msg.

    Is it possible to read/write general registers via csat tool? what's the command?

    Thanks for your attention!

Best Regards,
