Can we add RealView Development Suide Plug in to DS-5 ide and debug ARM cortex M devices like we did in eclipse ?_?
Thanky you StuartI thought ı can not use DS-5 because in the web site it says that we recommend keil mdk arm for cortex m devolopment.
So Can I use DS-5 to develop software for cortex m4 devices ? or I should not use DS-5 to develoop software for cortex M4 devices ?
It's recommended that MDK is used for off-the-shelf / catalog devices and DS-5 used for initial device/board bring up.
So if, for example, your device is already in Si, then use MDK.
If you are putting together FPGAs, getting initial samples back, performing re-spins, performing device bring up, etc and so on then we would recommend DS-5.
I hope that clarifies things for you ?
Do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
Thanky Stuart
I was planing to make a TFT LCD application with stm32f429 launchboard and ı realized that stm32f4 series is not liested at the target settings of DS-5.Only imx6 boards cortex m4 devices and microcontroller prototyping crtex m4 devices listed in target setting.I guess that means I can not use DS-5 to develop applications on STM32F4 devices.So ı will have to use keil MDK but ı wanted to have ecliple c++ ide while developing software on stm32F4 series.
is there any other way around ı can do that ?_?
Hi FaintSmile,
thanks for clarifying your use-case. I might have a solution for you, but I need to do a bit of investigation on my side.
I don't have an STM32f429 but I do have an STM32/F0 discovery board so I'll do a bit of investigation using that.
Please bear with me and I'll get back to you.
Firstly, please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this, there were some technical issues that prevented me from logging in.
You were looking at DS-MDK, which is an Eclipse-based IDE and is a embedded development environment suitable for a subset of the NXP iMX6/i.MX7 devices.
It however, not really suitable for development on other devices such as the STM32F429. This is what I was looking into.
So I cannot recommend that as a solution for you.
Your best bet here would be to use Keil MDK toolchain. It has the full CMSIS-PACK support for your target STM32F429 but of course is not based around an Eclipse IDE.
see for more information. You could always download the MDK-Lite version and try that first (there is a simulator included so you don't need to connect to the target)
I hope that helps ?