Is there a way to dump the ETM trace (using DTSL) from a VE_AEMv8x1 FVP? I would like to store the RAW trace somewhere so I can process it later.
Thank you,
Hi Andrei,
Ah, it is stored in the CoreSight formatted trace data format, as specified in the CoreSight Architecture Specification v2.0, sec. D4.2 'Frame descriptions'
(see http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0029d/IHI0029D_coresight_architecture_spec_v2_0.pdf p.129)
This is (generally) the raw format that the trace data is stored in a trace capture buffer when using DS-5.
It is formatted like this because there may be trace data from multiple sources contained within.
So what you want is the raw trace data for a given trace data source, so instead do :
trace dump c:\temp\mytracedump FMT_0
as the 'FMT_0' is the trace source of the AEMv8 FVP (look under the 'Source' tab in the Trace view)
If you do :
help trace dump
then you will see the list of options available for dumping trace.
I hope that helps ?
Hi Stuart,
As far as I've seen the two trace files, FMTrace_0.bin and FMT_0_0.bin are almost the same, except 256 0-bytes at the end of FMTrace_0.bin.
Also, in the DS-5 Trace view, the source encoding is specified as "Fast Models Instruction trace". Is there a spec somewhere for this encoding?