When starting up the debugger (v5.22), I select the uC-OSIII OS in the configuration. When I stop in a task on a breakpoint, the OS tab has no information for any of the tables.
Is there some extra linkage that needs to be setup to get this feature to work?
Hi lmorsephilips,
There shouldn't be any extra steps needed for the OS Support to work - you simply need to enable it from the "OS Awareness" tab in the Debug Configuration window and load an image with the uC-OSIII debug symbols (either via the Debug Configuration file tab or at some point after connection using the commands view or "Load..." option in the Debug Control view). Once you have the image loaded the OS Support should automatically enable itself once it detects the OS is running.
Once you have hit your breakpoint if you could do the following it will help a lot in working out what's gone wrong:
The first command will print the state of the OS Support (i.e. whether or not it's correctly loaded) and the second will print a symbol which we expect in uC-OSIII images.
Best regards,
The response that I get from the debugger is:
show os enabled
Operating system hooks set to "deferred" and operating system support currently disabled
print OSRunning
$11 = 1 '\1'
I see a note in Debug Control that the device is connected, but uC/OS-III: Waiting for the OS to be initialized. Yet the breakpoint is in the startup task ???
Thanks for your help, Lee
Hi Lee,
Thanks for that - something definitely looks wrong here, the symbols appear to have been correctly loaded and the OS appears to have finished initialization, but the debugger thinks it hasn't.
I have a number of follow up questions:
Thanks - best regards,
Very quick and, I hope, redundant question: did you build uCOS with OS_CFG_DBG_EN defined to something other than 0 in os_cfg.h or elsewhere in the build?
Most of the tables in the OS Data view rely on information which is only present if that flag is set in the build. While the OS Awareness will initialize, it hasn't got access to the lists it needs to access without it, because uCOS doesn't keep track of that data unless you're running a build generated with that flag.
Yes, the debug configuration is enabled.
After fiddling around, I am now seeing the following …
Operating system hooks set to "deferred" and operating system support currently enabled
$9 = 1 '\1'
If I look at the Kernel Configuration pull-down in the OS Data tab, I see:
OSDbg_VersionNbr is N/A
All the OSDbg_*En are also N/A
OSMutexQty is 3
Under the Tasks pull-down it says:
“Could not find the symbol OSDbg_StatTaskStkChkEn”
In os_dbg.c, this variable is set to OS_CFG_STAT_STK_CHK_EN, which is enabled.
Thanks in advance, Lee
I'm glad you were able to get the OS support into the enabled state. This now looks like the debugger constants in os_dbg.c are not making it out correctly.
As you've said that OS_CFG_DBG_EN is set to 1, the other common cause for this is the compiler optimising the values out when it recognises they are not read from. In the version of the source code I'm looking at (v3.04.01) there is a function at the bottom of the file, OS_Dbg_Init(void), which is intended to prevent this. A quick test suggests this function is required for my compiler (ARM Compiler 5.06 at -O0) - i.e. the symbols are optimised out without the function.
If that function is there it could point to a build issue - you could check that by using one of the constants in your application source code and see if it links correctly and the symbol is then printable from the debugger.
Hope this helps,