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About how to add my own device linaro_hikey board target (Cortex-A53 x 8 SMP) list on the DS-5 Tools error log messages!

paulc@ubuntu14:/usr/local/DS-5_v5.22.0/bin$ cdbimporter -c /usr/local/DS-5_v5.22.0/sw/debugger/configdb -t /home/paulc/hikey_configdb /home/paulc/hikey_configdb/Linaro_HiKey.rvc

DS-5 Config Database Import Utility v1.2

Copyright 2011-2014 ARM Ltd

Reading /home/paulc/hikey_configdb/Linaro_HiKey.rvc

The topology (component connections) may be incorrect or incomplete.

The produced configuration may not work for trace, or at all - would you like to create a debug-only configuration? y/n [n]


Found 9 ARM cores

Import Summary -

ID  Name          Definition  Associated TCF files 

--  ----          ----------  -------------------- 

0   Cortex-A53_0  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_1  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_2  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_3  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_4  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_5  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_6  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-A53_7  Cortex-A53  <none>               

0   Cortex-M3_0   Cortex-M3   <none>               

Select a core to modify (enter its ID and hit return) or press enter to continue. []

Enter Platform Manufacturer

[default:'Linaro'] >

Enter Platform Name

[default:'HiKey'] >

Creating database entry...

Building configuration XML...

Platform configuration successfully created.

The new platform will not be visible in the DS-5 Debugger until the destination database

has been added to the "User Configuration Databases" list and the database has been rebuilt.

A rebuild is done either when DS-5 is (re)started, a user configuration database is added or

by forcing a database rebuild.

To force a rebuild or add a database, select the "Window -> Preferences" menu item,

then expand the DS-5 group. To rebuild, select "Configuration Database", then press

the "Rebuild database" button.

To add a database to the "User Configuration Databases" list, click the "Add" button

and supply a suitable "Name" (E.g. Imported) and "Location" for the database.

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