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Issues in migrating project from DS-5 to ARM Development Studio

Hi There,

When I migrate projects from DS-5 to ARM Development Studio 2022 or 2023, I get following issues:

1) Warning: Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exist for

2) Some of the macros defined in Preprocessor tab for the whole project are missing for some sub-directories, and compiling errors will generated without adding them one by one to those sub-directories.

Please help to see if any solutions for these.


  • Hi again

    Sorry to hear that didn't work for you.

    I suspect the issue is related to the switch from "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)" which you had for your DS-5 project, to the "Arm Compiler 5.06.7" that you have installed to Arm Development Studio.

    In your original DS-5 project, do you have any build configurations for anything other than "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)"?  If so, they could result in an orphaned configuration during migration to Arm DS, so try fixing then to use "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)".

    Another user had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by rebuilding the configurations - see the end of

    Please try the above suggestions.  If you are still not able to resolve the issue, then please "Open a Support Case" from the Support > Arm Support Services at the top of this web-page.  You will then be able to send us your .cproject file to examine.


  • Hi again

    Sorry to hear that didn't work for you.

    I suspect the issue is related to the switch from "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)" which you had for your DS-5 project, to the "Arm Compiler 5.06.7" that you have installed to Arm Development Studio.

    In your original DS-5 project, do you have any build configurations for anything other than "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)"?  If so, they could result in an orphaned configuration during migration to Arm DS, so try fixing then to use "Arm Compiler 5 (DS-5 built-in)".

    Another user had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by rebuilding the configurations - see the end of

    Please try the above suggestions.  If you are still not able to resolve the issue, then please "Open a Support Case" from the Support > Arm Support Services at the top of this web-page.  You will then be able to send us your .cproject file to examine.


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