I am studying Cortex-M33 TrustZone with Armv8-M_security sample code coming from ARM Development Studio 2023.1. When I add following code into main_s.c to test cmse_check_address_range intrinsic, but it seems does not work when running it in Armv8-M_security_FVP_M33, it always prints not in non-secure region, and checked its disassembly code, that intrinsic does not get called. Please help.
The source code ( cmse_check_address_range is added within #if 1... #endif) is:
int __attribute__((cmse_nonsecure_entry)) ns_callable_fn1(int x){ printf("Hello from Non-secure Callable Function 1!\n\r");#if 1 //Check a memory range is entirely in non-secure region or not uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)0x00200000; uint32_t size = 4; uint32_t * vRet = 1; vRet = cmse_check_address_range( p, size, CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE);
if (vRet == NULL) printf(" NULL returned, (%p, size=%d) is not entirely in non-secure region!\n", p, size); else printf(" (%p, size=%d) is entirely in non-secure region!\n", p, size);#endif return secure_fn1(x);}
This disassembly code is:
ns_callable_fn10x100012B2 : MOV r0,#0x14230x100012B6 : MOVT r0,#0x10000x100012BA : BL __2printf ; 0x1000034C0x100012BE : MOVS r0,#10x100012C0 : LSLS r1,r0,#210x100012C2 : MOV r0,#0x13de0x100012C6 : MOVT r0,#0x10000x100012CA : MOVS r2,#40x100012CC : BL __2printf ; 0x1000034C0x100012D0 : B {pc}+14 ; 0x100012DEns_callable_fn2 + 0x36
Is this a bug in ARM CC (v6.21 for ADS 2023.1 and v6.18 for ADS 2022.1) which is similar to GCC Bugzilla - Bug 99157 ?
HiMy name is Stephen and I work at Arm. Thanks for your interest in Cortex-M33 TrustZone.I can reproduce what you see with cmse_check_address_range(), and I'm investigating further.Stephen
Hi againFYI: your code that calls cmse_check_address_range() didn't compile for me. I had to change: uint32_t * vRet = 1;to: void * vRet;An additional flag is required on the call, for example, change: vRet = cmse_check_address_range( p, size, CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE);to: vRet = cmse_check_address_range( p, size, CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE | CMSE_MPU_READ ); With that change, I see a TTA instruction being generated, and get:Hello from Non-secure Callable Function 1! (00200000, size=4) is entirely in non-secure region!
See developer.arm.com/.../TT-instruction-intrinsicsandarm-software.github.io/.../cmse.htmlHope this helpsStephen
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for the supports on this issue.
I tried with flag CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE | CMSE_MPU_READ, and the result was as expected.
The disassembly code for following branch in cms_check_address_range(void *__pb, size_t __s, int __flags) is optimized by AC6 with compiler option "-O1"
#if __ARM_CMSE_SECURE_MODE case CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE: __permb = cmse_TTA(__pb); __perme = __single_check ? __permb : cmse_TTA(__pe); break;...
If changing to use "-O0", the disassembly code matches with C code even with flags set to CMSE_MPU_NONSECURE only.
This issue can be closed.