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Arm DS IDE build VS. Arm DS Command Prompt build


I have noticed that the build output of a certain project via Arm DS IDE is different than the build output of the same project using Arm Command Prompt.

Both options has the same compiler and linker, so how come?


  • Hi Stephen,

    According to the disassembly the code within a function is the same.
    All function addresses is different.
    I'm not sure about the order display.

    This is the shortcut for the Arm DS Command Prompt:
    "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe  /c pushd "C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin" & cmdsuite.exe"

    This is the shortcut for the Arm DS IDE:
    ""C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\armds_ide.exe""

    I'm using a makefile for building through cmdsuite.exe

    Moreover, I tried the "Cortex-M55" example provided by Arm DS examples library. The outcome of "fromelf --bin" for both builds (DS IDE vs. DS Cmd Prompt) is identical - so i can assume that my program built differently from DS IDE and DS Cmd Prompt probably because of the makefile itself.

    Thanks, Ronen

  • Hi Stephen,

    According to the disassembly the code within a function is the same.
    All function addresses is different.
    I'm not sure about the order display.

    This is the shortcut for the Arm DS Command Prompt:
    "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe  /c pushd "C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin" & cmdsuite.exe"

    This is the shortcut for the Arm DS IDE:
    ""C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\armds_ide.exe""

    I'm using a makefile for building through cmdsuite.exe

    Moreover, I tried the "Cortex-M55" example provided by Arm DS examples library. The outcome of "fromelf --bin" for both builds (DS IDE vs. DS Cmd Prompt) is identical - so i can assume that my program built differently from DS IDE and DS Cmd Prompt probably because of the makefile itself.

    Thanks, Ronen
