I've just generated a 30 day DS-5 Ultimate Edition evaluation license, however on trying to use it I'm getting "the host id of this system does not match the host id specified in the license file".
This is on 64bit Fedora 20. I'm running on the same machine I generated the license on.
launching with: FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3 ARM_TOOL_VARIANT=ulteval /usr/local/DS-5_v5.21.1/bin/eclipse
I get:
FLEXnet Licensing checkout error: Invalid host.
The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
specified in the license file.
Feature: ulteval_ds_profiler
Hostid: 3417ebb5d625
License path: /home/username/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Ultimate Edition (30-day Evaluation).lic:
FLEXnet Licensing error:-9,57
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".
license file(s): /home/username/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Ultimate Edition (30-day Evaluation).lic
and only Community Edition features are available
however if I run: /usr/local/DS-5_v5.21.1/sw/FLEXnet_11.12.1.0/redhat-enterprise-64bit/lmdiag
lmdiag - Copyright (c) 1989-2014 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
FlexNet diagnostics on Tue 6/9/2015 18:57
License file: /home/username/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Ultimate Edition (30-day Evaluation).lic
"ulteval_ds_profiler" v6.0, vendor: armlmd, expiry: 09-jul-2015
uncounted nodelocked license, locked to ethernet address "3417ebb5d625" expires: 09-jul-2015
This is the correct node for this node-locked license
lmhostid - Copyright (c) 1989-2014 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "3417ebb5d625"
which suggests this is the right license on the right machine.
Any suggestions as to what is wrong, or what else I can do to diagnose the problem?
A shame this is ASSumed answered since I am also seeing the same issue, again on a Fedora 20 64-bit machine. We have tried armlmdiag and that seems happy, yet DS-5 fails with the error message about hostid mismatch. As far as I can see the only possible mismatch is that there are a couple of hex letters and in the license file they are lowercase yet in the ARM License Manager window they are UPPERCASE.
It would be good to have this problem solved before we decide on buying - or not - any more licenses for DS-5.