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Memory leak in Arm DS 2022.1 (regression from 2022.0)

I've noticed that Arm Development Studio 2022.1 seems to have a fairly major memory leak, at least when running on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

When I launch it and just have an editor open, scrolling around and moving the cursor causes resident memory usage to keep going up - in one test I watched it go up to over 20 GB.

If I attach to a target and start debugging, I have maybe 5 minutes before all 128 GB memory is used up and the OOM reaper kills it.

I've just tested going back to Development Studio 2022.0 and it's much better: resident memory usage is around 3.5 GB, even when debugging an attached target.

  • Thanks Rebecca,

    Please could you check if anything is being reported in the Error log?  Use Window > Show View > Other, then open the Error Log view, and copy the first section of the log here.  If Out Of Memory exception occurs, I think Eclipse asks to close the workbench.  In that case, to collect the log, you can avoid closing the workbench or, alternatively, the log can be collected the next time you start Eclipse.

    Also, if could you provide your IDE configuration details, that would be useful:

    Thank you!


  • Thanks Rebecca,

    Please could you check if anything is being reported in the Error log?  Use Window > Show View > Other, then open the Error Log view, and copy the first section of the log here.  If Out Of Memory exception occurs, I think Eclipse asks to close the workbench.  In that case, to collect the log, you can avoid closing the workbench or, alternatively, the log can be collected the next time you start Eclipse.

    Also, if could you provide your IDE configuration details, that would be useful:

    Thank you!

