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GCC/GDB questions

I'm evaluating the ARM DS-5 and Linaro toolchains and the FVP model simulators. I'm starting with the DS-5 Community Edition and the Foundation Profile simulator before advancing to the commercial tools. So I have a few questions:

  • The hello.c example included with the Foundation Profile simulator download package includes a compiled executable that runs on the Foundation Profile simulator. But the included Makefile is based on the commercial ARM compiler and not the Linaro version of GCC included in DS-5 Community Edition. Could you provide a GCC command-line example for compiling and linking hello.c for running on the (v8.1a) simulator?
  • The DS-5 Community Edition includes an Eclipse-based IDE and a compiler toolchain based on GCC 4.8.3. Yet suggests that the Foundation Platform simulator model uses a GDB connection while the FVP simulator model provides "non-intrusive debug support with DS-5". Can I debug code running on a Foundation Platform simulator model using the DS-5 Community Edition IDE or am I limited to GDB?
  • Is there a simple gdbserver setup example?
  • Hi,

    Just to clarify - Was it bare-metal development you were interested in? If so this won't work - the free Foundation model is aimed at allowing development of Linux applications and libraries.

    The armcc baremetal application & makefile are supplied with the Foundation Model simply to confirm that everything is working correctly. However, there's no way to debug or do baremetal developement. As Rob mentioned the free model has no debug API. But, there's also there's no software based bare-metal GDB server solution you can connect to in such an environment.

    If it's Linux development you want  - then you can debug using either GDB or DS-5 community as a front end to a GDBserver running on the Foundation model.

    The software components for the Foundation model are here:Linaro Releases I believe (but haven't checked) that the LAMP stack includes gdbserver

    Does that help?


  • Hi,

    Just to clarify - Was it bare-metal development you were interested in? If so this won't work - the free Foundation model is aimed at allowing development of Linux applications and libraries.

    The armcc baremetal application & makefile are supplied with the Foundation Model simply to confirm that everything is working correctly. However, there's no way to debug or do baremetal developement. As Rob mentioned the free model has no debug API. But, there's also there's no software based bare-metal GDB server solution you can connect to in such an environment.

    If it's Linux development you want  - then you can debug using either GDB or DS-5 community as a front end to a GDBserver running on the Foundation model.

    The software components for the Foundation model are here:Linaro Releases I believe (but haven't checked) that the LAMP stack includes gdbserver

    Does that help?

