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I use the free for the 30 days's licence(DS2021.2 ) But when try to connect FVP for debug,encounted below error


I'm trying DS2022.1 with trial license.

But when try to connect FVP for debug,encounted below error 

How can I do to solve this problem

I use the DS built-in example(startup_Cortex-R5_AC6-FVP.launch)


Because I want to embed the C++ project using FVP to simulate the operation of the hardware.

Do I still need to download the FVP software?

I have downloaded FVP version 11.16 ,and Is this problem causing the above problem?


I need some basic libraries when I compile (ex: stdio.h, iostream, vector, cmath).

How to Efficiently Include Dependent Libraries.

Because I still import one by one into the project to solve the problem (unresolved inclusion) (like below pic).

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