After DS-5 connected to target, "Debug Control" tab shows "Cortex-R5_0#1 running", but "Commands" tab shows
"ERROR(TAD9-NAL30): ! Unable to stop device Cortex-R5_0! Cannot stop target."
in response to "stop" cmd. Any idea about it? what issue usually causes this?
Hi James, are you using the DS-5 or ARM-DS? And which specific version are you using?
What's the target platform? FPGA or emulator or real-chip?
Does this issue always occur or random? Bind with the target? Does it occur before?
Which debug probe are you using? DSTREAM or ULINK?
Would you like to share us the whole Command Line Window view?
Would you help to capture the daplog refer, note please add the USB port number in the command
C:\Program Files\<Arm tool path>\bin> dbghw_log_client -daplog full -logfile C:\temp\dstream.log USB:xxxx
Hi Kaiyou,
I am using ARM DS 2021.2 and DSTREAM ST as debugger probe, on a real chip, and is my first time to use an ARM debugger to talk to it, and it happens 100%. It was set as "connect only" and "stop" is the only cmd in "execute debugger commands" box. I have captured daplog and will send it to you. Thanks for help!
Hi James,
Thanks for your log. I can see the debugger has already try to halt the processor by write 1 to the DBGDRCR[0], but the Core doesn't give response, I suspect the Core already hangs when the debugger connected. I suggest you to connect more earlier or look at your code flow, generally hang causes from peripherial device access.