When I am configuring the platform, DS-5 is able to see all the ARM chain like this:
However after new revision of code is released(NOTHING in ARM is touched), now I am only able to get this:
I used to seen the situation where the DAP is not even observed, and that was when something is wrong with ARM connection inside FPGA. But I don't understand how come that DAP is OK but the chain does not show up.
I am new to FPGA emulation and DS-5, so many thanks to anyone that help!
Hi Nicole,
What would really help us here is for you to tell us what you see in the text box under the main GUI. This has the results of the auto-detection process.
What I suspect it happening is that the DAP is detected, but that the CoreSight ROM table read fails, and so as a result, the Cortex-R4 and the CoreSight components are not detected.
You should see something like the following :
info: Opening the debug pre-connection to device 1
info: Powering up the DAP
info: Connecting to the DAP
info: Detecting AP buses
info: DAP_CONFIG_INFO = 2,00:H,01:H
info: Found AHB-AP on AP0
info: Found AHB-AP on AP1
info: Looking for ROM tables on AP 0
info: Reading ROM table for AHB-AP at AP index 0 :-
info: ROM table base address = 0xE00FF000
On your system, the ROM table base address will be different of course.
The AP-BASE register on the debug APB must be correctly pointing to the start of the CoreSight ROM table on the debug APB. I believe the default address is 0x80000000 for the ROM table.
So please pass on your text from when you auto-detect.
Stuart Hirons,
Thanks for the answer. You are right, after re-synthesis, the error is gone. Something wrong with the ROM table.
Hi Stuart Hirons,
I am facing the same problems as you wrote.
info: DAP_CONFIG_INFO = 1,00:H
info: End of ROM table
info: No platforms found that match
Could you give more detail instructions how to solve this one? I actually don't understand what to do with this
"The AP-BASE register on the debug APB must be correctly pointing to the start of the CoreSight ROM table on the debug APB. I believe the default address is 0x80000000 for the ROM table." I am just new to FPGA and DS-5. Many thanks to you that give more instructions!