Hello everyone, I'm an Italian student struggling with the first project on a microcontroller MK10DN512ZVLL10. Someone can support?
Hi Nikivend,
What is the board you are using that contains the MK10DN512ZVLL10 (that way I can look up it's schematic to see what communications, such as I2C or SPI, it has available). If it is a custom board made by the university can you send me a link to its documentation? Can you clarify what communication the antenna is being used for (LoRA, RF, WiFi...). If you start with that then I'll have a better idea of what the microcontroller is capable of, including whether it can handle an RTOS.
For the moment let's leave pending the part of the antenna.
I am attaching the documents related to the board and a program as I have.
I above all wanted to ask the questions concerning this program example.
But first can you tell me what part of the world and write what times (your time zone) I can contact?
Anyway thank you very much on availability
Hi,you've had time to guardre program. In practice, does is to blink an LED, after you press a button records the temperature leaving the LED lit and shows. Only I did not understand some instructions first. I have some basic questions ...For example:
BITBAND_REG(PTB->PDDR, 11) = 1; // output
PTB->PSOR = (1u << 11); // output = 1, vreg enabled
There is a particular reason because it uses PDDR?
I see in the program of MICRO other GPIO Register Masks. It would have been equal usarne another? And the 17? And (1u<<11)?
What do this?
#ifdef STDIO_UART1
static uint8_t stdio_buff[80];
static ring_buffer stdio_ring_buffer;
PORTA, PORTB, PORTC what gate is??