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How to use Free Trial?

I have downloaded and installed the Arm Development Studio Gold Edition Free Trial on Windows.

The installer gave the following error:

Do I need to worry about that?

When I run the GUI and attempt to build an example, I see:

18:40:58 **** Build of configuration Default for project calendar_Armv7-A_AC6 ****
make all 
armclang -c --target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=Cortex-A9 -mfpu=none -g -O1 calendar.c -o calendar.o
armclang: error: Your installation could be misconfigured or corrupted.
armclang: note: 
Check that your licensing and toolkit configuration is set up correctly, using the information available at:
armclang: note: 
Information about this error is available at:
 General licensing information is available at:
 If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or
 - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: 'C:\Users\<snip>\AppData\Roaming\arm\ds\licenses'
 - LM_LICENSE_FILE: '<snip>'
 - Product location: product not found
 - Toolchain location: C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2021.1\sw\..\sw\ARMCompiler6.16\bin
 - Selected tool variant: product
Product: unknown
Component: ARM Compiler 6.16
Tool: armclang [5dfeb700]

Do I need to install a trial license? If so, how do I obtain one?

  • Hello. I've never seen that install error before, I suspect it is occurring when the hardware drivers (for DSTREAM family) are installed. If you see issues, you can install these manually.

    As for the evaluation license, yes, you can generate this from inside the IDE. Go to Help > Arm License Manager > Add, and follow instructions to generate and install the license.

  • Hello. I've never seen that install error before, I suspect it is occurring when the hardware drivers (for DSTREAM family) are installed. If you see issues, you can install these manually.

    As for the evaluation license, yes, you can generate this from inside the IDE. Go to Help > Arm License Manager > Add, and follow instructions to generate and install the license.

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