We downloaded DS-5 from this link (http://ds.arm.com/downloads/) and installed 32 bit windows OS. The version of tool is ARM DS-5 Ultimate Edition and Evaluation version 5.20.2 .
My main objective is to work with ARMv8 instruction set . We tried to work with ../Examples/Bare-metal_examples_ARMv8.zip->DS-5Examples\startup_v8_ARMCompiler6 examples .But in the examples ,there is a README.txt. There it was mentioned that to run this ARMV8 examples ,we need compiler6.
In release notes also mentioned to compile ARM-v8 Cortex-A53 instruction set its need compiler 6, but we have compiler 5.05u1.
So any one can help us to know how to install compiler 6 and how to get licence to the existing tool or we need to install any another DS-5 tool version.
But what ever the DS-5 tool( ARM DS-5 Ultimate Edition and Evaluation version 5.20.2) we downloaded and installed is the latest version available for download.
Can any one help us to get compiler6 to run ARMv8 instruction set.
Fast response will help us more. Thanks in advance
Hi Sujatha,
From DS-5 Downloads | ARM DS-5 Development Studio, you can download DS-5 for both 32 bit and 64 bit host operating systems. However, as mentioned in the NOTE under DS-5 downloads, ARM Compiler 6 is only included in 64-bit installations of DS-5.
Looks like you are working on Windows XP 32 bit OS. So, in order to be able to use ARM Compiler 6, you may have to switchover to a 64 bit Windows or Linux PC.