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Can anyone please help me on how evalution development studio 2020.1 work s and which compiler is needed and how it can be setup?

I have tried installing the 30 day evaluation license for development studio 2020.1. The compiler that I have used is ARM compiler 5.06 update 6 (750).

While verifying the tool chain I am receiving an error as follows

Error: C9580E: CT.Compiler5 is not available with the current toolkit and license. Check that ARM_TOOL_VARIANT is set correctly.
Information about this error is available at:
 General licensing information is available at:
 If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or
 - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: '/home/inforce/.arm/ds/licenses/DS000-EV-31030.lic'
 - Product location: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2020.1/sw/mappings
 - Toolchain location: /home/inforce/ARM_Compiler_5.06u6/bin
 - Selected tool variant: product
Product: Arm Development Studio Evaluation 2020.1
Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750)
Tool: armcc [4d3637]
Can anyone tell me why such and error is coming? While using a different compiler version it is seen that the License doesnt support it. Please help me resolve this issue.
Priyanka Sera
  • Hi Priyanka,

    Arm Development Studio Evaluation only supports using the compilers which are packaged and installed with Arm Development Studio 2020.1. It does not support compilers which are not part of this installation - for example the standalone Arm Compiler 5.06u6 you have installed.

    The compilers installed with Arm Development Studio 2020.1 are Arm Compiler 5.06u7 and Arm Compiler 6.15. You can find these in your installation directory, and the documentation should help you get started with them.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Priyanka,

    Arm Development Studio Evaluation only supports using the compilers which are packaged and installed with Arm Development Studio 2020.1. It does not support compilers which are not part of this installation - for example the standalone Arm Compiler 5.06u6 you have installed.

    The compilers installed with Arm Development Studio 2020.1 are Arm Compiler 5.06u7 and Arm Compiler 6.15. You can find these in your installation directory, and the documentation should help you get started with them.

    Best regards,
