Hey Guys,
I'm trying to emulate FreeRTOS for Cortex-R52 and I was half way successful.
Everything is working except the Tick Interrupts.
Right now I can create and run tasks using Co-Operative Scheduling but I need Preemption to work.
I've configured the timer to run but the problem is I didn't understand how to configure GIC.
Please help me out of this.
Very glad to hear that you are porting FreeRTOS for R52. We can share you an example about how to configure the GIC on R52. Are you planning for the opensource or private using when you finish the porting? GIC_Cortex-R52_armclang.zip
Hey Sorry but I was on a leave.
Thanks for your help.
Have gone through your code and integrated the GIC Configuration in mine.Now I was stuck at Timers.
I have configured my timer but the timer count is not varying. It's continuously generating interrupt coz the compare value and timer value are both equal.
In the Generic Timer Section from the Cortex-R52 TRM, It states that...
The Cortex-R52 processor does not include the system counter. This resides in the SoC. The system counter value is distributed to the Cortex-R52 processor with a synchronous binary encoded 64-bit bus, CNTVALUEB[63:0].
[Refer the following for the above statement.https://developer.arm.com/docs/100026/0100/generic-timer/generic-timer-functional-description]
So does that mean I can't just emulate the processor and get the counter working!
And if Yes, Is there a way so that I can emulate the counter on ARM DS5.
Thanks in-advance. And BTW I'm not completely porting the FreeRTOS for Cortex-R52. We're just using the one that comes with FreeRTOS as port for "Rx without GIC". We just made few modifications.