I have installed the current "DS-5 Ultimate 64-bit evaluation " version but am not able to build for ARMv8 64-bit neon.
In armclang am not able find the cpu list it is shows only option "Target: aarch64-arm-none-eabi".
please help me to solve the below issues
1.Whether this version supports ARMv8 neon?
2.How to find available cpu list (as in armcc --cpu list) or equivalent armclang options.
Ranjith kumar DS
i have the same problem please do help us out.
Have you actually checked that NEON code generation isn't working?
I think NEON is now mandatory in ARMv8A, so you don't need a separate compiler option to enable it.
for SIMD, please check ARM Compiler armasm User Guide: Advanced SIMD and Floating-point Programming
for cpu selection, please check ARM Compiler Software Development Guide : 3.1 Specifying a target architecture, processor, and instruction set
Ya.it's supports arm_v8 neon i wrote 4 to 5 function using the neon instruction it's working but compiler not generate assembly by arm_v8 simd instruction may be we have to hand code it.Or anyother way is there to generate arm_v8 simd by compiler itself? .
Is it possible disable NEON in armv8 gcc?