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Why can't I capture Cortex-A7/A15 counters on exynos 5 using ARM Streamline?

This is our current setup on a Hardkernel odroid-xu3 board based on EXYNOS5422.

1.- Board is running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. Linux kernel 3.10.59 rebuilt with options:










2.- Streamline gatord version 20 (DS-5 v5.20) (built form source)

3.- Gator driver build with MALI support (patch applied as proposed in:

When I capture using the Streamline Data View in Eclipse, I get values in Linux and Mali counters, but for all Cortex-A15 counters I tried, I get no values, just zero.

When I select events using Cortex-A15 counters, like the ones in the picture (Bus: Access,  Clock:Cycles, Instruction: Executed, etc.) All this counters

always show zero values in the captured session. Other counters selected from Mali or Linux seen to work well.


By the way, in the Counter Configuration dialog box I can see Cortex-A15, Linux and Mali counters. But I can´t see any Cortex-A7 counter.

In the documentation I can find example pictures (as the one shown below) where A7 and A15 counters are shown together...

Should I see both of them A7 and A15?

Adding a counter to the Events to Collect list

In this last picture you can see as Mali counters (marked in green) are showing values when I run some OpenCL code on the GPU,

but counters for Cortex-A15 show no activity at all (marked in red).


Is there any special configuration for my Exynos 5 SoC to make Streamline capture the Cortex-A15 and A-7 counters?

I'm stuck right now, I can't find out what I am doing wrong. Any hint will be of great help.


  • Hi,

    I asked in the Odroid forums, and It seems that performance counters on the Odroid-XU3 are not working.

    The literal response was: " AFAIK it (performance counters) is not supported"

    After some further research I found out this article:

    PMU counters are reading zeroes in Streamline

    Hardware counters depends on the PMU (Performance Monitor Unit) to work, and it seems that

    PMU is not enabled or some permission bits have not been set.

    Does anybody knows how to set up the PMU on?

    I would appreciate any help.


  • Hi,

    I asked in the Odroid forums, and It seems that performance counters on the Odroid-XU3 are not working.

    The literal response was: " AFAIK it (performance counters) is not supported"

    After some further research I found out this article:

    PMU counters are reading zeroes in Streamline

    Hardware counters depends on the PMU (Performance Monitor Unit) to work, and it seems that

    PMU is not enabled or some permission bits have not been set.

    Does anybody knows how to set up the PMU on?

    I would appreciate any help.

