I downloaded the DS-5 community edition for the ARM website to run it on my ODROID-XU4 (ubuntu 18.04) which is an Armv7-A 32-bits platform. When I run the install shell, I get the following error
odroid@odroid:~/Downloads/ds5-ce-linux64-29rel1$ ./install.sh =============================================================== Welcome to the Installer for Arm DS-5 Community Edition v5.29.1 =============================================================== --- Host target check...[armv7l] The x86_64 installation is not supported for this platform odroid@odroid:~/Downloads/ds5-ce-linux64-29rel1$
What can I do to resolve this error ?
Does this help? It is written for the "full" DS-5, however all this functionality should be in Community Edition also.https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/embedded/legacy-tools/ds-5-development-studio/resources/tutorials/linux-application-debugging-using-ds-5