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ARM DS5 for A53

I have created a c project for a53 bare metal moudle,but some problem confusing me ? please help me!!!!!!!!

project for a53

I want to add startup.s file for this project ,but  In the debug mode  the entry point  isnot this file  why ?

debug settings

  • __main is the entry point of the C library.

    I recommend you start by looking Cortex-A53 example provided with the tool. You can most easily access it by navigating the menu system to File > Import... > DS-5 > Examples & Programming Libraries, and search for the "A53" example.

  • __main is the entry point of the C library.

    I recommend you start by looking Cortex-A53 example provided with the tool. You can most easily access it by navigating the menu system to File > Import... > DS-5 > Examples & Programming Libraries, and search for the "A53" example.
