I am using DS5 ultimate version for 30 days license. However some strange things show as below.
cheng@cheng-OptiPlex-3010:/usr/local/DS-5_v5.29.2/bin$ ./FVP_Base_Cortex-A53x1 terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
Error: (E1006) license error: License checkout for feature RTSM_Pool_Ult with version 5.2201806 has been denied by Flex back-end. Error code: -1004
In file: Framework/Runtime/SCXSimulationEngine.cpp:2371
Thanks for any advice!
Do you have the correct product edition selected in the pulldown of the IDE -> Help -> Arm License Manager?Please also note that DS-5 is no longer being developed - I recommend you try out the new Arm Development Studio instead.