I got my new DStream box weeks ago. When I updated its FW with Development Studio v2009.0, the progress stayed at 94% for very long time, and finally the studio complains "Timeout waiting for reboot to complete". (The message at the bottom right corner is "Firmware Installation ...007136: (94%)). The STATUS LED keeps flashing.
I have tried normal update, and FW restoring process. It seems both action stuck at 94%. I used Ethernet to communicate with DStream.
Any suggestions how to fix it?
After I power cycle the unit, it takes very long time for it to boot (The STATUS LED in flashing for very long time), but finally it can get back, and I can connect to it. The new FW version is the updated version. But something muse be wrong as it shouldn't take that long time to boot.
I have tried the factory mode and USB connection. And the issue is still there: Rebooting does not complete until timeout: