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Does DS-5 support RDI debugging interface?


I would like to ask if there is any way to configure ARM Development Studio to work with RDI compliant debug probes like J-Link.

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Matthew,

    RDI support was deprecated a while ago and dropped for RVDS 3.0, so DS-5 Development Studio does not support it.

    The supported debug probes for DS-5 are currently DSTREAM, ULINKpro & ULINKpro D. Although J-Link isn't currently supported, the RDDI interface used by DS-5 is public and can be used to add 3rd party support for debug probes. You would have to ask Segger about this though.



  • Hi Matthew,

    RDI support was deprecated a while ago and dropped for RVDS 3.0, so DS-5 Development Studio does not support it.

    The supported debug probes for DS-5 are currently DSTREAM, ULINKpro & ULINKpro D. Although J-Link isn't currently supported, the RDDI interface used by DS-5 is public and can be used to add 3rd party support for debug probes. You would have to ask Segger about this though.



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