I am encountering the following error when i establish a hardware connection to my target i.e LPC1519. It starts off with the Reset Handler properly,debugs the SySInit functions but when it reaches the Chip_SYSCTL_PowerDown function,it gets stuck on a particular instruction(LPC_SYSCTL->PDRUNCFG = (pdrun | PDRUNCFGUSEMASK);) and throws the following error.When i try to step the instruction the error repeats:
Execution stopped in Privileged Thread mode at 0x000003320x00000332 109,2 LPC_SYSCTL->PDRUNCFG = (pdrun | PDRUNCFGUSEMASK);waitstepERROR(CMD440-TAD13-NAL22): ! Stepping failed! Unable to delete breakpoint: Breakpoint [instructionSet=T32, hardwareExecutionAddress=0x00000336, execContext=[ExecutionContext[Cortex-M3_1]]]! General error on memory or register access.Target Message: Could not determine target statewaitERROR(TAD1-NAL52): ! Unable to read from register SP! Cannot attain state requested.waitERROR(TAD1-NAL52): ! Unable to read from register SP! Cannot attain state requested.
However when i go to register view the SP and SP_MAIN have specific values, because of this i am not able to debug my main function at all.
*SideNote: When I disconnect and try reconnecting to my target after the error has occurred,debug connection to target fails and the following error is thrown:
Debug Sequence failed
Failed to read DP
Failed to read register 8,320 ARMCS-DP_DSQ
General error on memory or register access.
I have to power down and power up my device to bypass this error,happens whenever the above SP error occurs.
Thank you.
Unfortunately this seems like a consequence of the power down - I don't know which components of the device are powered down by this sequence, but if it includes the debug infrastructure, then this may be unavoidable.
Hi Ronan,
Thank you for your your prompt reply.This is a project imported from keil, and on keil this was working properly.It's a test project i.e to a blink a LED and it ran with no errors.The above command is part of the startupfiles of LPC1519.This seems to be problem in how ARM DS(2018 silver edition) is configured,since the problem is not occurring on keil.Ive followed the steps mentioned in the debugger manual but however i'm running into this problem.Same thing is happening with the imported keil examples available with the downloaded packs.
Hope you can help me out.
Thank you
Hi again. Do you have, or can you point me to, an existing example, that illustrates this behavior.
I imported the keil example program under the LPC1500 series namely the "Blinky(MCB1500)",into ARM Development Studios and executed it on my target.
I got the same error as above.
Thanks for the pointer - I will try to replicate.
Hi - in a very quick test, I was unable to replicate. I note you are using an older Development Studio release, the latest is 2019.0. It may be worth trying that version out.
If you need further assistance, it is probably best to raise an official support request.