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DS-5 bare metal wait error after run "debug"

I tried to run the bare metal script ("Hello World ANSI C Project - ARM Compiler 5 DS-5 built-in") on DS-5 debug software. However, it hangs on somewhere on "wait" commands as below which is not yet reached the breakpoint on main function. Notes, it could not even proceed to the "Step Over Instruction (F6)".


Stopping running target Altera - Arria 10 SoC on connection
Connected to running target Altera - Arria 10 SoC
Execution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x8001E748
S:0x8001E748 MOV pc,lr
cd "C:\Users\lab_pcgcpv\Documents\DS-5 Workspace"
Working directory "C:\Users\lab_pcgcpv\Documents\DS-5 Workspace"
Execution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x8001E748
S:0x8001E748 MOV pc,lr
loadfile "C:\Users\lab_pcgcpv\Documents\DS-5 Workspace\bare-metal-hello-world-02\Debug\bare-metal-hello-world-02.axf"
Loaded section APP_CODE: S:0xFFFF0000 ~ S:0xFFFF0BC3 (size 0xBC4)
Loaded section APP_CODE: S:0xFFFF0BC4 ~ S:0xFFFF0BD3 (size 0x10)
Entry point S:0xFFFF0000
Semihosting server socket created at port 8000
Semihosting enabled automatically due to semihosting symbol detected in image 'bare-metal-hello-world-02.axf'
set debug-from main
Starting target with image C:\Users\lab_pcgcpv\Documents\DS-5 Workspace\bare-metal-hello-world-02\Debug\bare-metal-hello-world-02.axf
Running from entry point

Looking for helps :(

  • Hello CKO,

    Unfortunately I do not have an Arria10 board to hand to test for myself.

    What I can tell you is that DS-5 comes with a simple example project for this device, which you can find via the File -> Import -> DS-5 -> Examples and Programming libraries. You can then enter 'Arria" in the filter text to easily locate it (see below).

    Can you try out this project and see if everything works for you? There is more detail in the readme supplied with the project if needed.


  • Hello CKO,

    Unfortunately I do not have an Arria10 board to hand to test for myself.

    What I can tell you is that DS-5 comes with a simple example project for this device, which you can find via the File -> Import -> DS-5 -> Examples and Programming libraries. You can then enter 'Arria" in the filter text to easily locate it (see below).

    Can you try out this project and see if everything works for you? There is more detail in the readme supplied with the project if needed.

